Our Faithing Statement

We believe an individual's faith in Jesus Christ and their acceptance and obedience to His will is the sole criteria for becoming a part of His Body (the Church universal). Further, we believe Scripture clearly shows that God, by His Spirit, calls individuals and groups of individuals (the Church locally) to unique missions and ministries in order to add-to and strengthen His Body. We encourage individual membership with a local church. We specifically teach and encourage the following:
- A proclamation of faith that Jesus Christ is an individual's Lord and Savior;
- Believer's baptism (as a first-act of faith in Christ, following His example in Scripture);
- Make known one's desire to be identified with a local church (including any membership criteria identified as necessary by that congregation);
- Acceptance of and support for the authority of leadership of the local church;
- Active involvement in worship, service, fellowship, giving, and ministry.